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Tree-related functions, including tree traversal, mapping, filtering, and reduction. All methods perform depth-first traversal.

Main features

  • treeMap: Mapping
  • treeFilter: Filtering
  • treeEach: Traversal
  • treeToList: Tree to list conversion
  • listToTree: List to tree conversion
  • treeReduce: Reduction


pnpm i @liuli-util/tree

treeMap - Mapping

Convert nested menus to JSX element rendering

import { Menu } from 'antd'
import { treeMap } from '@liuli-util/tree'

const menus = [
    key: 0,
    title: 'System Configuration',
    children: [
      { title: 'User List', key: 1, path: '/system/user/list' },
      { title: 'System Task', key: 2, path: '/system/task/list' },
      { title: 'System Permission', key: 3, path: '/system/permission/list' },
    icon: 'setting',
    key: 4,
    title: 'Other',
    children: [{ title: 'About This Project', key: 5, children: [], icon: 'about' }],
    icon: 'user',

function App() {
  return (
    <Menu mode="inline">
        (it) =>
          it.children ? (
            <Menu.SubMenu key={it.key} title={it.title}>
          ) : (
            <Menu.Item key={it.key}>{it.title}</Menu.Item>
          id: 'key',
          children: 'children',

treeFilter - Filtering

A common scenario is filtering out specific menu items based on permissions.

import { treeFilter } from '@liuli-util/tree'

const menus = [
    key: 0,
    title: 'System Configuration',
    children: [
        title: 'User List',
        key: 1,
        path: '/system/user/list',
        permission: 'user',
        title: 'System Task',
        key: 2,
        path: '/system/task/list',
        permission: 'task',
        title: 'System Permission',
        key: 3,
        path: '/system/permission/list',
        permission: 'permission',
    icon: 'setting',
    key: 4,
    title: 'Other',
    children: [
        title: 'About This Project',
        key: 5,
        icon: 'about',
        permission: 'about',
    icon: 'user',

const permissions = ['user', 'task']

const res = treeFilter(
  (it) => {
    if (!it.permission) {
      return true
    return permissions.includes(it.permission)
    id: 'key',
    children: 'children',


treeEach - Traversal

Of course, you can also simply use treeEach to traverse a tree and view all the nodes in it.

import { treeEach } from '@liuli-util/tree'

  (it) => {
    id: 'key',
    children: 'children',

treeToList - Tree to List

Convert a tree to a list. A common scenario is to convert a tree to tabular data or use libraries like lodash for easier data processing.

import { treeToList } from '@liuli-util/tree'

const list = treeToList(menus, {
  id: 'key',
  children: 'children',
  path: 'keyPath',

console.log('list', list)

listToTree - List to Tree

Convert a list to a tree. A common scenario is to render tree structures by converting list data returned from the backend.

import { listToTree } from '@liuli-util/tree'
const list = [
  { id: 3, parent: 1 },
  { id: 4, parent: 1 },
  { id: 1, parent: 0 },
  { id: 2, parent: 0 },
  { id: 5, parent: 2 },
  { id: 6, parent: 2 },
  { id: 0 },
const [res] = listToTree(list, { id: 'id', parentId: 'parent', children: 'children' })


  "id": 0,
  "children": [
      "id": 1,
      "parent": 0,
      "children": [
        { "id": 3, "parent": 1 },
        { "id": 4, "parent": 1 }
      "id": 2,
      "parent": 0,
      "children": [
        { "id": 5, "parent": 2 },
        { "id": 6, "parent": 2 }

treeReduce - Merge

Merges a tree structure into a single value. Almost all tree-related functions use this function as a base, just like reduce in Array, and it can be used to achieve functionalities like treeMap and treeFilter.

Let's start with a simple example, converting a tree structure into a Map of id => node.

import { treeReduce } from '@liuli-util/tree'

const res = treeReduce(
  (acc, it) => {
    acc.set(it.key, it)
    return acc
  new Map(),
    id: 'key',
    children: 'children',

Here is another code snippet that converts a nested directory of an EPUB into XML. In the callback function, you can access four parameters:

  • accumulator: The accumulator, initialized as the third parameter.
  • node: The current node.
  • childrenResult: The merged result of the children nodes.
  • path: The path of the current node.
import { treeReduce } from '@liuli-util/tree'

const result = treeReduce(
  (accumulator, node, childrenResult, path) => {
    const indent = '  '.repeat(path.length + 1)
    const childrenHtml = childrenResult
    return (
      accumulator +
      `\n${indent}<li>\n${indent}  <a href="./${node.chapterId}.xhtml">${node.title}</a>` +
      (childrenHtml ? `\n${indent}  <ol>${childrenHtml}\n${indent}  </ol>\n${indent}</li>` : `\n${indent}</li>`)
    id: 'chapterId',
    children: 'children',

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